Waktu Pendaftaran Poliklinik Umum & BPJS :
- Senin s/d Kamis 07.00 14.00
- Jum’at 07.00 14.00
Waktu Pelayanan Poliklinik Umum & BPJS :
- Senin s/d Kamis 07.30 15.00
- Jum’at 07.30 15.30
. Pasien Peserta BPJS / JKN
1. Sesuai dengan hak Kepersertaan tanpa iur biaya dijamin BPJS sesuai dengan Tarif Inacbg’s
2. Pasien Naik kelas sesuai dengan Kentuan yang
B. Pasien Umum/Pribadi/Perusahaan/Asuransi Keputusan Direktur Utama RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Nomor : HK.02.03/D.XIV.6.2.2/24561/2024 Tentang Penetapan Buku Tarif Pasien Non JKN Tahun 2024
Poliklinik Kedokteran Nuklir A. Pemeriksaan In-Vitro (RIA & IRMA) 1. T3 2. fT4 3. TSH B. Pemeriksaan In-Vivo 1. Thyroid & Parathyroid a. Thyroid Scan Tc-99m Pertechnetate b. Thyroid Uptake c. Parathyroid Scan Dual Phase d. Parathyroid Scan Dual Tracer 2. Nephro-Urology a. Renography a). Conevntional Renography b). Diuretic Renography c). Captopril Renography b. Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) c. Effective Renal Plasma Flow (ERPF) d. Renal Scan DMSA e. Radionuclide Cystography 3. Oncology a. Bone Scan a). Dynamic Bone Scan b). Static Bone Scan b. Whole Body Scan a). WBS Tc-99m Sestamibi b). WBS Diagnostic I-131 c). WBS Diagnostic I-131 mIBG c. Scintimammography d. Sentinel Node Scintigraphy 4. PET scan a. Oncology b. Cardiovascular c. Neurology d. Other 5. Cardiovascular a. Myocardial Perfusion Imaging b. Myocardial Viability Study with Nitrate Augmented c. Gated Cardiac Blood Pool Scan (MUGA) d. First Pass Angiography Radionuclide e. Cardiac Amyloidosis 6. Gastrointestinal a. Salivary Gland Scan b. Oesophageal Transit Time Study c. Gastroesophageal Reflux Scintigraphy d. Gastric Emptying Time Study e. Asessment and Localization of Gastrointestinal Bleeding Scan f. Diverticulum Meckel Scan g. Liver Scan h. Liver Blood Pool Scan i. Hepatobilliary Scan j. Spleen Scan 7. Pulmonary a. Lung Ventilation Perfusion Scan (V/Q Study) b. Lung Ventilation Scan c. Lung Perfusion Scan 8. Neurology a. Brain Perfusion Scan b. Radionuclide Cysternography c. Brain Neurotransmission Scan d. Brain Tumor Imaging 9. Miscelanous a. Orbital Scan b. Dacrioscintigraphy c. Lymphoscintigraphy d. Ethambutol Scan C. Radionuclide Therapy 1. Hyperthyroid 2. Thyroid Carcinoma 3. Hemangioma 4. Bone Pain Palliative 5. Keloid 6. Radiosynovectomy 7. Prostate Cancer 8. Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy (PRRT)
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3. Contact Centre : 022-2551111
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5. EMAIL : humprorshs@gmail.com
6. Website : www.rshs.or.id
7. IG : @rshs_bandung
8. Twitter : @rshsbdg
9.SP4N LAPOR : www.lapor.go.id
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